#define | stringify(...) |
#define | str_macro(c) |
#define | str_pragma(c) |
#define | __memalign__ __attribute__((aligned(64))) |
#define | NSIMD 16 |
| Number of particles simulated simultaneously in a particle group operations.
#define | MAX_SPECIES 8 |
| Maximum number of plasma species.
#define | MHD_MODES_MAX_NUM 512 |
| Maximum number of MHD modes.
#define | MAX_ATOMIC 32 |
| Maximum number of atomic reactions.
#define | NBI_MAX_DISTANCE 1e-3 |
| Maximum distance BBNBI traces markers in seconds.
#define | NBI_MAX_INJ 32 |
| Maximum number of NBI injectors.
#define | WIENERSLOTS 20 |
| Maximum number of Wiener processes stored (effectively number of time step reductions)
#define | A5_CCOL_USE_GEOBM 1 |
| Determine whether to use geometric method of Box-Muller to to generate normal random numbers.
| If adaptive time step falls below this value, produce an error.
| How often progress is being written (s) in the stdout file.
#define | A5_WTIME omp_get_wtime() |
| Wall time.
#define | INTERP_SPL_EXPL 0 |
| Choose whether magnetic field spline interpolation is done with an explicit (1) or compact (0) way.
#define | A5_CCOL_USE_TABULATED 0 |
| Choose whether to use tabulated values for collision coefficients.
#define | WALL_OCTREE_DEPTH 7 |
| Default depth of octree struct.
Main header file for ASCOT5.
This header file defines general types and structs used widely by the program as well as any features dependent on compiler defined macros.
Definition in file ascot5.h.