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ASCOT5 is a test-particle Monte Carlo orbit-following code for solving the Fokker-Planck equation in toroidal plasmas.


Currently only Intel's compiler version 14.0 and up support all the OpenMP features used, but gcc can be used to compile some test programs and the full code with limited features.

Before compilation the necessary compiler modules need to be loaded. The command on CSC Bull and Helios is "module load intel/<version>". Available versions can be checked with "module avail".

Due to the use of compiler flags to define code functionality, the code should always be fully recompiled by calling

make clean

first if the parameters are changed.

Syntax for compilation:

make clean && make <program_name> <parameters>

Available parameters:

  • NSIMD=n number of particles in a group (default 16); these are processed simultaneously by each thread
  • CC=... compiler (default icc)
  • TARGET=1 Offload computation to Xeon Phi accelerator
  • VERBOSE=n print increasing amounts of progress information: 0: No information except bare essentials 1: Standard information; everything happening outside simulation loops is printed 2: Extensive information; a record of simulation progress is written process-specific *.stdout files
  • MPI=1 enable MPI
  • NOGIT=1 disable recording of repository status which is printed in runtime (disable if Git is not available)

Available programs:

  • ascot5_main : The stand-alone ASCOT5 main program


make clean && make ascot5_main CC=icc NSIMD=16