30 int ntheta,
int nthetag,
real* nu,
real* theta,
Header file for B_field.c.
Main header file for ASCOT5.
void boozer_offload(boozer_data *data)
Offload data to the accelerator.
void boozer_free(boozer_data *data)
Free allocated resources.
int boozer_init(boozer_data *data, int npsi, real psi_min, real psi_max, int ntheta, int nthetag, real *nu, real *theta, int nrzs, real *rs, real *zs)
Initialize boozer coordinate transformation.
a5err boozer_eval_psithetazeta(real psithetazeta[12], int *isinside, real r, real phi, real z, B_field_data *Bdata, boozer_data *boozerdata)
Evaluate Boozer coordinates and partial derivatives.
unsigned long int a5err
Simulation error flag.
Spline interpolation library.
Magnetic field simulation data.
Data for mapping between the cylindrical and Boozer coordinates.
interp2D_data theta_psithetageom
interp2D_data nu_psitheta
Bicubic interpolation struct.