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boschhale.h File Reference

Header file for boschdale.c. More...

#include "ascot5.h"

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typedef enum Reaction Reaction
 Available reactions.


enum  Reaction { DT_He4n = 1 , DHe3_He4p = 2 , DD_Tp = 3 , DD_He3n = 4 }
 Available reactions. More...


void boschhale_reaction (Reaction reaction, real *m1, real *q1, real *m2, real *q2, real *mprod1, real *qprod1, real *mprod2, real *qprod2, real *Q)
 Get masses and charges of particles participating in the reaction and the released energy.
real boschhale_sigma (Reaction reaction, real E)
 Estimate cross-section for a given fusion reaction.
real boschhale_sigmav (Reaction reaction, real Ti)
 Estimate reactivity for a given fusion reaction.

Detailed Description

Header file for boschdale.c.

Definition in file boschhale.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Reaction

enum Reaction

Available reactions.

Definition at line 13 of file boschhale.h.

Function Documentation

◆ boschhale_reaction()

void boschhale_reaction ( Reaction reaction,
real * m1,
real * q1,
real * m2,
real * q2,
real * mprod1,
real * qprod1,
real * mprod2,
real * qprod2,
real * Q )

Get masses and charges of particles participating in the reaction and the released energy.

reactionreaction enum
m1mass of the first reactant [kg]
q1charge of the first reactant [C]
m2mass of the second reactant [kg]
q2charge of the second reactant [C]
mprod1mass of the first product [kg]
qprod1charge of the first product [C]
mprod2mass of the second product [kg]
qprod2charge of the second product [C]
Qenergy released [J]

Definition at line 28 of file boschhale.c.

◆ boschhale_sigma()

real boschhale_sigma ( Reaction reaction,
real E )

Estimate cross-section for a given fusion reaction.

reactionreaction for which the cross-section is estimated.
Eion energy [J].
cross-section [m^2].

Definition at line 87 of file boschhale.c.

◆ boschhale_sigmav()

real boschhale_sigmav ( Reaction reaction,
real Ti )

Estimate reactivity for a given fusion reaction.

reactionreaction for which the reactivity is estimated.
Tiion temperature [keV].

Definition at line 218 of file boschhale.c.