TC magnetic field parameters on the target.
#include <B_TC.h>
TC magnetic field parameters on the target.
Definition at line 16 of file B_TC.h.
◆ axisr
A value that is returned when magnetic axis R coordinate is requested [m]
Definition at line 17 of file B_TC.h.
◆ axisz
A value that is returned when magnetic axis z coordinate is requested [m]
Definition at line 19 of file B_TC.h.
◆ psival
A value that is returned when poloidal magnetic flux value is requested [V*s*m^-1]
Definition at line 21 of file B_TC.h.
◆ rhoval
A value that is returened when normalized poloidal flux value is requested
Definition at line 23 of file B_TC.h.
Magnetic field at origo: [B_x, B_y, B_z] [T]
Definition at line 25 of file B_TC.h.
◆ dB
Magnetic field Jacobian: [dB_x/dx, dB_x/dy, dB_x/dz, dB_y/dx, dB_y/dy, dB_y/dz, dB_z/dx, dB_z/dy, dB_z/dz] [T/m]
Definition at line 26 of file B_TC.h.
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