No Matches
Data Fields
diag_orb_data Struct Reference

Orbit diagnostics data struct. More...

#include <diag_orb.h>

Data Fields

int mode
int Npnt
int Nmrk
real writeInterval
int ntoroidalplots
int npoloidalplots
int nradialplots
real toroidalangles [DIAG_ORB_MAXPOINCARES]
real poloidalangles [DIAG_ORB_MAXPOINCARES]
real radialdistances [DIAG_ORB_MAXPOINCARES]

Detailed Description

Orbit diagnostics data struct.

The pointers are asssigned to the offload array but only those pointers are used which corresponds to the simulation mode (e.g. GC simulation).

The marker orbit data are stored in maxpoints length chunks in the offload array. The chuncks are in no particular order. Once chunk is filled and the marker is still recording, new points replace the old ones from the start.

Definition at line 61 of file diag_orb.h.

Field Documentation

◆ id

real* diag_orb_data::id

Marker ID

Definition at line 63 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ mileage

real* diag_orb_data::mileage

Time marker has been simulated for [s]

Definition at line 64 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ r

real* diag_orb_data::r

Marker R coordinate [m]

Definition at line 65 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ phi

real* diag_orb_data::phi

Marker phi coordinate [rad]

Definition at line 66 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ z

real* diag_orb_data::z

Marker z coordiante [m]

Definition at line 67 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ p_r

real* diag_orb_data::p_r

Particle momentum R component [kg m/s]

Definition at line 68 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ p_phi

real* diag_orb_data::p_phi

Particle momentum phi component [kg m/s]

Definition at line 69 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ p_z

real* diag_orb_data::p_z

Particle momentum z component [kg m/s]

Definition at line 70 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ ppar

real* diag_orb_data::ppar

Guiding center parallel momentum [kg m/s]

Definition at line 71 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ mu

real* diag_orb_data::mu

Guiding center magnetic moment [J/T]

Definition at line 72 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ zeta

real* diag_orb_data::zeta

Guiding center gyroangle [rad]

Definition at line 73 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ weight

real* diag_orb_data::weight

Marker weight [1]

Definition at line 74 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ charge

real* diag_orb_data::charge

Marker charge [C]

Definition at line 75 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ rho

real* diag_orb_data::rho

Normalized poloidal flux at marker position [1]

Definition at line 76 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ theta

real* diag_orb_data::theta

Marker poloidal angle [rad]

Definition at line 77 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ B_r

real* diag_orb_data::B_r

Magnetic field R component at marker position [T]

Definition at line 78 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ B_phi

real* diag_orb_data::B_phi

Magnetic field phi component at marker position [T]

Definition at line 79 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ B_z

real* diag_orb_data::B_z

Magnetic field z component at marker position [T]

Definition at line 80 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ simmode

real* diag_orb_data::simmode

In what simulation mode data point was recorded

Definition at line 81 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ pncrid

real* diag_orb_data::pncrid

Id for the poincare plot a point corresponds to

Definition at line 82 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ pncrdi

real* diag_orb_data::pncrdi

Direction in which Poincare plane was crossed

Definition at line 83 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ mrk_pnt

integer* diag_orb_data::mrk_pnt

Index of the last recorded point

Definition at line 85 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ mrk_recorded

real* diag_orb_data::mrk_recorded

Last time (in seconds) a marker was updated

Definition at line 86 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ mode

int diag_orb_data::mode

Defines condition for recording markers

Definition at line 88 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ Npnt

int diag_orb_data::Npnt

Maximum number of points to keep recorded

Definition at line 89 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ Nmrk

int diag_orb_data::Nmrk

Number of markers to record

Definition at line 90 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ writeInterval

real diag_orb_data::writeInterval

Interval at which markers are recorded

Definition at line 91 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ ntoroidalplots

int diag_orb_data::ntoroidalplots

Number of toroidal Poincare planes

Definition at line 92 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ npoloidalplots

int diag_orb_data::npoloidalplots

Number of poloidal Poincare planes

Definition at line 93 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ nradialplots

int diag_orb_data::nradialplots

Number of radial Poincare planes

Definition at line 94 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ toroidalangles

real diag_orb_data::toroidalangles[DIAG_ORB_MAXPOINCARES]

Toroidal plane angles

Definition at line 95 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ poloidalangles

real diag_orb_data::poloidalangles[DIAG_ORB_MAXPOINCARES]

Poloidal plane angles

Definition at line 96 of file diag_orb.h.

◆ radialdistances

real diag_orb_data::radialdistances[DIAG_ORB_MAXPOINCARES]

Radial plane angles

Definition at line 97 of file diag_orb.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: