
The simulation is started with:

./ascot5_main --in=in --out=out

or when using mpirun (or srun):

mpirun ./ascot5_main

The default file for reading inputs and storing outputs is ascot.h5 but these can be given explicitly (storing output in the same file with the inputs is recommended):

mpirun ./ascot5_main --in=in --out=out

The simulation can be given a description but this can be done in post-processing as well:

ascot5_main --d="TEST This is a test run"

The default behavior is to use inputs that are marked as active in the file, but this can be overridden by providing the input QID explicitly:

ascot5_main --bfield=0123456789

When not using MPI, it is possible to divide the simulation into separate processes manually with:

ascot5_main --mpi_size=size --mpi_rank=rank


Simulation options are listed below. Click on the parameter name for more details. Note that the first underscore does not belong in a parameter name and only appear here for technical reasons.

Simulation mode and time step


Simulation mode (1, 2, 3, 4)


Use adaptive time-step (0, 1)


Record GOs as GCs in diagnostics (0, 1)


Define fixed time-step value explicitly (0,1)


User-defined time-step [s]


Time-step is 2pi / ( gyrofrequency * N ) where N is this parameter


Relative error tolerance for orbit following in adaptive scheme


Relative error tolerance for Coulomb collisions in adaptive scheme


Maximum allowed change in rho during one time-step in adaptive scheme


Maximum allowed change in phi during one time-step in adaptive scheme

Simulation end conditions


Terminate when marker time passes ENDCOND_LIM_SIMTIME or when marker time has advanced ENDCOND_MAX_MILEAGE in a simulation


Terminate marker when the computer has spent ENDCOND_MAX_CPUTIME amount of real time to simulate it


Terminate if marker goes outside given rho boundaries


Terminate when marker energy is below a user-specified value


Terminate when marker intersects a wall element


Terminate when marker has completed user-specified number of orbits


Terminate when the marker becomes neutral


Terminate when the marker becomes ionized.


Time when the simulation stops [s]


The maximum amount of time this marker is simulated [s]


Maximum cpu time per marker [s]


Maximum rho value


Minimum rho value


Minimum energy [eV]


Minimum energy limit is local ion thermal energy times this value


Maximum number of toroidal orbits


Maximum number of poloidal orbits

Active physics


Trace markers in an electromagnetic field


Markers experience Coulomb collisions with background plasma


Include MHD perturbations to orbit-following


Markers can undergo atomic reactions with background plasma or neutrals


Disable first order guiding center transformation in velocity space


Disable guiding center energy collisions


Disable guiding center pitch collisions


Disable guiding center spatial diffusion



Collect distribution histogram in [R, phi, z, ppa, ppe, t, q]


Collect distribution histogram in [R, phi, z, pR, pphi, pz, t, q]


Collect distribution histogram in [rho, pol, phi, ppa, ppe, t, q]


Collect distribution histogram in [rho, pol, phi, pR, pphi, pz, t, q]


Minimum bin edge for R coordinate [m]


Maximum bin edge for R coordinate [m]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_R, MAX_R] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for phi coordinate [deg]


Maximum bin edge for phi coordinate [deg]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PHI, MAX_PHI] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for z coordinate [m]


Maximum bin edge for z coordinate [m]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_Z, MAX_Z] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for rho coordinate [1]


Maximum bin edge for rho coordinate [1]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_RHO, MAX_RHO] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for theta coordinate [deg]


Maximum bin edge for theta coordinate [deg]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_THETA, MAX_THETA] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for ppa coordinate [kg m/s]


Maximum bin edge for ppa coordinate [kg m/s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PPA, MAX_PPA] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for ppe coordinate [kg m/s]


Maximum bin edge for ppe coordinate [kg m/s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PPE, MAX_PPE] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for pR coordinate [kg m/s]


Maximum bin edge for pR coordinate [kg m/s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PR, MAX_PR] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for pphi coordinate [kg m/s]


Maximum bin edge for pphi coordinate [kg m/s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PPHI, MAX_PPHI] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for pz coordinate [kg m/s]


Maximum bin edge for pz coordinate [kg m/s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PZ, MAX_PZ] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for time coordinate [s]


Maximum bin edge for time coordinate [s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_TIME, MAX_TIME] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for charge coordinate [e]


Maximum bin edge for charge coordinate [e]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_CHARGE, MAX_CHARGE] is divided to

Constant of motion distribution


Collect constant-of-motion distribution histogram [mu, Ekin, Ptor]


Minimum bin edge for the mu coordinate in COM-dist [J/T]


Maximum bin edge for the mu coordinate in COM-dist [J/T]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_MU, MAX_MU] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for the energy coordinate [J]


Maximum bin edge for the energy coordinate [J]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_EKIN, MAX_EKIN] is divided to


Minimum bin edge for the Ptor coordinate [kg m^2/s]


Maximum bin edge for the Ptor coordinate [kg m^2/s]


Number of bins the interval [MIN_PTOR, MAX_PTOR] is divided to

Recording marker trajectories


Enable diagnostics that store marker orbit


What kind of marker orbit diagnostics are collected


Maximum number of points (per marker) to be written


Poloidal angles of toroidal planes where toroidal plots are collected


Toroidal angles of poloidal planes where poloidal plots are collected


Minor radius coordinate where radial plots are collected


Time interval for writing marker state [s]

Transport coefficients


Enable evaluation of transport coefficients.


Time interval for recording data points


Number of subsequent data points that are averaged before calculating coefficients to reduce noise.


Record coefficients in terms of normalized poloidal flux instead of meters.

Batch jobs

Use this script to run ASCOT5 in multiple nodes using MPI (MPI=1 when the code was compiled).


## Set required nodes and CPUs (number of processes == number of nodes)
#SBATCH -N10 -n10 -c48

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH -J ascot5

#SBATCH -e %x.e%j
#SBATCH -o %x.o%j

export <your exports>
module load <your modules>

echo Job name $SLURM_JOB_NAME
echo Job id $SLURM_JOB_ID

# Some platforms require that the number of threads must be given explicitly
# In those cases use (1-2) x number of CPUs (check which is faster)


export FOR_PRINT=$SLURM_JOB_ID.stdout
mpirun ./ascot5_main --in=$INPUTFILE --d="YOURTAG Your description"

Use this script to run ASCOT5 in multiple nodes without MPI (MPI=0 when the code was compiled). This results in multiple output files that you have to combine using the python tool a5combine.


## How many jobs this run is divided into

## Name of the input file. Each output file begins with this name followed by
## its "mpi_rank"

for i in $(seq 0 $(($NJOBS-1)))
cat > $filename << EOF

## Use only single node and single process
#SBATCH -N1 -n1 -c48

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH -J ascot5

#SBATCH -e ${i}.e%j
#SBATCH -o ${i}.o%j

export <your exports>
module load <your modules>

# Some platforms require that the number of threads must be given explicitly
# In those cases use (1-2) x number of CPUs (check which is faster)

echo Job name $SLURM_JOB_NAME
echo Job id $SLURM_JOB_ID

./ascot5_main --mpi_rank=$i --mpi_size=$NJOBS --in=$INPUTFILE --d="YOURTAG Your description"


sbatch $filename
rm $filename
echo $i
## If multiple jobs are reading from the same file at the same time this can
## cause problems in the system, so give system some time to breathe
sleep 5s


Examples of simulation times and number of markers used



Number of markers

CPU time

Alpha particle slowing-down in 3D ITER (Not real numbers!)

Xeon-Phi, 10 nodes (MARCONI)


24 h