
Tools for assessing physical quantities and units.


Transfer arbitrary angle to between interval [0, 2pi].

a5py.physlib.bouncefrequency(m, ekin, minorradius, majorradius, safetyfactor)

Estimate bounce frequency from energy and aspect ratio.

a5py.physlib.cart2pol(x, y, z=None)

Cartesian x coordinate from cylindrical coordinates.

a5py.physlib.collfreq_ei(mi, qi, ne, Te, clog)

Evaluate electron-ion collision frequency.

a5py.physlib.collfreq_ie(mi, qi, ne, Te, clog)

Evaluate ion-electron collision frequency.

a5py.physlib.energy_gamma(m, gamma)

Evaluate kinetic energy from Lorentz factor.

a5py.physlib.energy_momentum(m, p)

Evaluate kinetic energy from momentum.

a5py.physlib.energy_muppar(m, mu, ppar, b)

Evaluate kinetic energy from magnetic moment and parallel momentum.

a5py.physlib.energy_muvpar(m, mu, vpar, b)

Evaluate kinetic energy from magnetic moment and parallel velocity.

a5py.physlib.energy_velocity(m, v)

Evaluate kinetic energy from velocity.

a5py.physlib.gamma_energy(m, energy)

Evaluate gamma from kinetic energy.

a5py.physlib.gamma_momentum(m, p)

Evaluate gamma from momentum.

a5py.physlib.gamma_muppar(m, mu, ppar, b)

Evaluate gamma from magnetic moment and parallel momentum.

a5py.physlib.gamma_muvpar(m, mu, vpar, b)

Evaluate gamma from magnetic moment and parallel velocity.


Evaluate gamma from velocity.

a5py.physlib.gyrofrequency(m, q, energy, bnorm)

Evaluate gyrofrequency from energy.

a5py.physlib.gyrolength(m, q, energy, pitch, bnorm)

Evaluate gyrolength from energy and pitch.

a5py.physlib.momentum_muppar(m, mu, ppar, b, zeta=None)

Evaluate momentum from mu and ppar.

If gyroangle zeta is given, return the momentum vector. Otherwise return momentum norm.

a5py.physlib.momentum_velocity(m, v)

Evaluate momentum from velocity.

If v is a vector (scalar) then returned value is a vector (scalar).

a5py.physlib.mu_momentum(m, p, b)

Evaluate magnetic moment from momentum vector.

a5py.physlib.parseunits(strip=False, **units)

Prepare arguments that are expected to have physical units.

This decorator:

  • Makes sure every argument has expected physical dimensions.

  • Assigns units if units were not provided but they were expected.

  • Strips units if asked (after checking/assignment).


@parseunits(x="m", strip=True)
def fun(x):
stripbool, optional

Strip units so that dimensionless quantities (but in expected units) are passed to the function.


Argument in wrapped function and the expected unit as a string.

a5py.physlib.pitch_momentum(p, b)

Evaluate pitch from momentum vector.

a5py.physlib.pitch_muppar(m, mu, ppar, b)

Evaluate pitch from mu and ppar.

a5py.physlib.pnorm_gamma(m, gamma)

Evaluate momentum norm from Lorentz factor.

a5py.physlib.pol2cart(r, phi, z=None)

Cartesian x coordinate from cylindrical coordinates.

a5py.physlib.ppar_momentum(p, b)

Evaluate parallel momentum from momentum vector.

a5py.physlib.torcanangmom_momentum(q, r, p, psi)

Evaluate toroidal canonical angular momentum from momentum.

a5py.physlib.torcanangmom_ppar(q, r, ppar, b, psi)

Evaluate toroidal canonical angular momentum from mu and ppar.

a5py.physlib.velocity_momentum(m, p)

Evaluate velocity from momentum.

If p is a vector (scalar) then returned value is a vector (scalar).

a5py.physlib.velocity_muppar(m, mu, ppar, b, zeta=None)

Evaluate velocity from mu and ppar.

If gyroangle zeta is given, return the velocity vector. Otherwise return velocity norm.


Evaluate velocity norm from Lorentz factor.

a5py.physlib.vpar_momentum(m, p, b)

Evaluate parallel velocity from momentum vector.

a5py.physlib.vpar_muppar(m, mu, ppar, b)

Evaluate vpar from mu and ppar.