Header file for B_field.c.
Main header file for ASCOT5.
void diag_update_fo(diag_data *data, B_field_data *Bdata, particle_simd_fo *p_f, particle_simd_fo *p_i)
Collects diagnostics when marker represents a particle.
void diag_offload(diag_data *data)
Offload data to the accelerator.
void diag_sum(diag_data *data1, diag_data *data2)
Sum offload data arrays as one.
int diag_init(diag_data *data, int Nmrk)
Initializes diagnostics data.
void diag_free(diag_data *data)
Free allocated resources.
void diag_update_ml(diag_data *data, particle_simd_ml *p_f, particle_simd_ml *p_i)
Collects diagnostics when marker represents a magnetic field line.
void diag_update_gc(diag_data *data, B_field_data *Bdata, particle_simd_gc *p_f, particle_simd_gc *p_i)
Collects diagnostics when marker represents a guiding center.
Header file for diag_orb.c.
Header file for diag_transcoef.c.
Header file for dist_5D.c.
Header file for dist_6D.c.
Header file for dist_com.c.
Header file for dist_rho5D.c.
Header file for dist_rho6D.c.
Header file for particle.c.
Magnetic field simulation data.
diag_transcoef_data diagtrcof
dist_rho6D_data distrho6D
dist_rho5D_data distrho5D
Orbit diagnostics data struct.
Transport coefficient diagnostics offload data struct.
Histogram parameters on target.
Histogram parameters on target.
Histogram parameters on target.
Struct representing NSIMD particle markers.
Struct representing NSIMD guiding center markers.
Struct representing NSIMD field line markers.