Main header file for ASCOT5.
Macros for printing console output.
Wall model simulation data.
void wall_offload(wall_data *data)
Offload data to the accelerator.
int wall_hit_wall(real r1, real phi1, real z1, real r2, real phi2, real z2, wall_data *w, real *w_coll)
Check if a given directed line segment intersects the wall.
int wall_get_n_elements(wall_data *w)
Return the number of wall elements.
void wall_free(wall_data *data)
Free allocated resources.
void wall_2d_offload(wall_2d_data *data)
Offload data to the accelerator.
void wall_2d_free(wall_2d_data *data)
Free allocated resources.
int wall_2d_hit_wall(real r1, real phi1, real z1, real r2, real phi2, real z2, wall_2d_data *w, real *w_coll)
Check if trajectory from (r1, phi1, z1) to (r2, phi2, z2) intersects the wall.
Header file for wall_2d.c.
void wall_3d_free(wall_3d_data *data)
Free allocated resources.
void wall_3d_offload(wall_3d_data *data)
Offload data to the accelerator.
int wall_3d_hit_wall(real r1, real phi1, real z1, real r2, real phi2, real z2, wall_3d_data *wdata, real *w_coll)
Check if trajectory from (r1, phi1, z1) to (r2, phi2, z2) intersects the wall using the octree struct...
Header file for wall_3d.c.