No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cafsi_dataWrapper around input data structures
 Cafsi_thermal_dataStructure for passing in 2D thermal temperature and density
 Casigma_dataAtomic reaction simulation data
 Casigma_loc_dataLocal-files atomic reaction simulation data
 CB_2DS_data2D magnetic field parameters
 CB_3DS_data3D magnetic field parameters
 CB_field_dataMagnetic field simulation data
 CB_GS_dataAnalytic magnetic field parameters on the target
 CB_STS_dataStellarator magnetic field parameters on the target
 CB_TC_dataTC magnetic field parameters on the target
 Cboozer_dataData for mapping between the cylindrical and Boozer coordinates
 Cdiag_dataDiagnostics data struct
 Cdiag_orb_dataOrbit diagnostics data struct
 Cdiag_transcoef_dataTransport coefficient diagnostics offload data struct
 Cdiag_transcoef_linkSimple linked list link for storing data points
 Cdist_5D_dataHistogram parameters
 Cdist_6D_dataHistogram parameters on target
 Cdist_COM_dataHistogram parameters on target
 Cdist_rho5D_dataHistogram parameters
 Cdist_rho6D_dataHistogram parameters on target
 CE_1DS_data1D spline electric field parameters on the target
 CE_field_dataElectric field simulation data
 CE_TC_dataTrivial Cartesian electric field simulation data
 Cinput_particleWrapper for marker structs
 Cinterp1D_dataCubic interpolation struct
 Cinterp2D_dataBicubic interpolation struct
 Cinterp3D_dataTricubic interpolation struct
 Clinint1D_data1D interpolation struct
 Clinint2D_data2D interpolation struct
 Clinint3D_data3D interpolation struct
 Clist_int_nodeLinked list node that stores int data
 Cmccc_dataParameters and data required to evaluate Coulomb collisions
 Cmccc_wienarrStruct for storing Wiener processes
 Cmhd_dataMHD simulation data
 Cmhd_nonstat_dataMHD parameters
 Cmhd_stat_dataMHD stat parameters on the target
 CN0_1D_data1D neutral parameters on the target
 CN0_3D_data3D neutral parameters on the target
 Cnbi_dataNBI data consisting of ninj injectors
 Cnbi_injectorStructure for describing an NBI injector
 Cneutral_dataNeutral simulation data
 Coctree_nodeStruct representing single octree node
 CparticleParticle input
 Cparticle_gcGuiding center input
 Cparticle_mlField line input
 Cparticle_queueMarker queue
 Cparticle_simd_foStruct representing NSIMD particle markers
 Cparticle_simd_gcStruct representing NSIMD guiding center markers
 Cparticle_simd_mlStruct representing NSIMD field line markers
 Cparticle_stateGeneral representation of a marker
 Cplasma_1D_data1D plasma parameters on the target
 Cplasma_1DS_data1D spline plasma parameters on the target
 Cplasma_1Dt_data1D plasma parameters on the target
 Cplasma_dataPlasma simulation data
 Csim_dataSimulation data struct
 Cwall_2d_data2D wall data parameters
 Cwall_3d_data3D wall data parameters
 Cwall_dataWall model simulation data