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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 afsi.cASCOT Fusion Source Integrator AFSI
 ascot5.hMain header file for ASCOT5
 ascot5_main.cASCOT5 stand-alone program
 ascot5_main.hFunctions to execute main program externally
 asigma.cAtomic reaction data interface
 asigma.hHeader file for asigma.c
 B_field.cMagnetic field interface
 B_field.hHeader file for B_field.c
 bbnbi5.cInterface to BBNBI5
 bbnbi5.hFunctions to execute bbnbi externally
 bbnbi5_main.cBBNBI5 main program
 biosaw.cFunctions for calculating fields from coil geometry
 biosaw.hHeader file for biosaw.c
 boozer.cModule for transforming between cylindrical and Boozer coordinates
 boozer.hHeader file for boozer.c
 boschhale.cFormulas for fusion cross-sections and thermal reactivities
 boschhale.hHeader file for boschdale.c
 consts.hHeader file containing physical and mathematical constants
 copytogpu.cTransfer data from and to the GPU
 copytogpu.hHeader file for copytogpu.c
 diag.cInterface for simulation diagnostics
 diag.hHeader file for diag.c
 E_field.cElectric field interface
 E_field.hHeader file for E_field.c
 endcond.cMarker simulation end conditions
 endcond.hHeader file for endcond.c
 error.cError module for ASCOT5
 error.hError module for ASCOT5
 gctransform.cModule for performing guiding center transformations
 gctransform.hHeader file for gctransform.c
 hdf5_interface.cHDF5 operations are accessed through here
 hdf5_interface.hHeader file for hdf5_interface.c
 libascot.cLibrary of Ascot5 functions for external use
 libascot_mem.cProvides memory de/allocation routines for the libascot
 libascot_mem.hHeader file for libascot_mem.c
 list.cSimple linked list
 list.hHeader file for list.c
 math.cMathematical utility functions
 math.hHeader file for math.c
 mhd.cMHD module interface
 mhd.hHeader file for mhd.c
 mpi_interface.cMPI interface
 mpi_interface.hHeader file for mpi_interface.c
 nbi.cFunctions for NBI simulation and particle generation
 nbi.hHeader file for nbi.c
 neutral.cNeutral interface
 neutral.hHeader file for neutral.c
 octree.cSimple octree for storing triangles
 octree.hHeader file for octree.c
 offload.cOffload functions
 offload.hHeader file for offload.h
 particle.cMarker structs and conversions between them
 particle.hHeader file for particle.c
 physlib.hMethods to evaluate elementary physical quantities
 plasma.cPlasma interface
 plasma.hHeader file for plasma.c
 print.cContains the initialization of VERBOSE_LEVEL
 print.hMacros for printing console output
 random.cRandom number generator interface
 random.hHeader file for random.c
 simulate.cSimulation is initialized and run from here
 simulate.hHeader file for simulate.c
 suzuki.cSuzuki beam-stopping coefficients
 suzuki.hHeader file for suzuki.c
 wall.cWall interface
 wall.hHeader file for wall.c